Friday 3 December 2010

Another bad fail

Whats happening in the land of fail

We were expecting to get some donations from the children but unfortunately we only got one, and that was a freebie from a MacDonald's meal. I think this is because that we were only there for one day and the letter we sent to the school was 2 weeks ago so some children might have forgotten and there has also been a lot of toy sales for children in need and school fete's just before our collection dates. These took most of our donations and parents may be short of money because of Christmas coming up. I think that if we had our collection earlier or had a box where they could leave toys at the primary school for a week instead of them having only one day to bring it on.

What I've learnt from this fail

  • Try to choose collection dates that have had no other big collection dates before it
  • Keep them aware of it, make sure you keep telling them so they can't forget it
  • Allow them to bring in donations in their own time, not only on one day for an hour
  • Instead of asking them to bring toys in go to them
cya in a bizzle


  1. Great it's here you assess strengths and weaknesses and why you think you weren't able to collect donations. I do think the group has raised the profile of donating though.
