Monday 22 November 2010

Shocks of The Benetton Group



 They are a clothes company who are well known for there controversial campaigns. They do this to get publicity to there shops but most of all to get people to notice that certain things are wrong. Maybe to give to charity or just not to do certain things.  They have a massive range of campaigns, going from feed the hungry to you don't have to follow the trends.

People find these controversial because they find some of the images disgusting, they touch on matters that people find sensitive, offend people or are to rude to be shown in public. This doesn't offend some people as they aren't affected by what they're saying but some people may have lost friends to the problems the pictures show or don't believe what is on the pictures is OK for young children to see. Examples of this are the new born baby picture (picture taken within seconds of baby being born), vicar kissing a nun,  the HIV positive pictures and the anti-racism pictures.

The baby in the baby picture is covered in blood and people may find this disgusting, People say that their new born baby is the most beautiful thing they've ever seen so why is someone else's disgusting?  

People find a vicar kissing a nun offensive because vicars and nuns aren't supposed to have any sexual life as they've devoted their life to god. Isn't that like saying someone isn't allowed to love someone because of their race?

The HIV positive pictures are often on a nude persons body. People may find these of a sexual nature so therefor unfit to be shown in public and you may have lost a family member to HIV and don't like the disease to be shown like it is. There are many perfume adverts of a sexual nature so why aren't they controversial?

Link to the benetton website:

Cya in a bizzle

1 comment:

  1. Excellent recognition of campaigning styles. A lot of companies/charities use shock tactics to grab attention and you reflect this well in your comments on Benetton and HIV + campaigns. Good links too. How will your research affect your own campaigning style? will you be influenced in posters/leaflets etc? Who's the target audience for yours and above?
